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6月5日:冶金大讲堂----Nanoscale Thermal Transport in Hydrogen-Bonded Materials
主讲:Ling Liu副教授
报告题目:Nanoscale Thermal Transport in Hydrogen-Bonded Materials
报告时间:6月05日 10:00
The hydrogen bond (H-bond) is a ubiquitous, key element of many natural and synthetic materials including proteins, hydrogels, organic electronics, and peptide-based biomaterials. Weaker than covalent bonds and stronger than the van der Waals attraction, H-bonds play a critical role in mechanical, thermal, and electrochemical processes of H-bonded materials. This talk will focus on two H-bonded material systems that have exceptional thermal performance. The first is the beta-sheet structures which are common in proteins. Due to the strong H-bond network between biomolecular chains, thermal conductivities of the biopolymer bundles are found to be much higher than that of their constituting chains. This is counterintuitive as it’s opposite to what has been discovered for other nanostructured materials including carbon nanotube bundles and few-layer graphene. The second example is a graphene/polymer composite with specially designed H-bonded interfaces between the two constituents of drastically different properties. Due to the new thermal pathways enabled by interfacial H-bonds, the material has demonstrated superior thermal properties that are unavailable in other polymeric composites. In both cases, material interfaces play critical roles; and our theoretical work has provided novel physical insights into the underpinning molecular mechanisms and established valuable guidelines to accelerate materials design..
Ling Liu副教授为我?!鞍陀搴M庖羌苹碧仄缸?,分别于2010年和2006年获美国哥伦比亚大学博士学位和大连理工大学硕士学位,2012年1月起任美国犹他州立大学助理教授/博导。迄今已发表论文50余篇,总引用次数1200余次,H-index为20,获美国自然科学基金委CAREER Award和美国力学学会创始人奖(Founder Prize)。曾为30多种SCI期刊的审稿人和基金审阅专家。现任美国机械工程师学会(ASME)医学材料专业委员会主任委员,曾任多功能材料专业委员会主任委员。
主办单位:冶金与材料工程学院 发布单位:科研处